
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Olive Oil 200ml

Olive Oil – The Timeless Elixir of Health & Spirituality
A Divine Gift Mentioned in the Quran & Hadith
Olive oil holds a special place in Islamic teachings. The Holy Quran and Hadith emphasize its benefits for health and well-being. Allah ﷻ mentions the blessed olive tree in the Quran:

"اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۚ مَثَلُ نُورِهِ كَمِشْكَاةٍ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ ۖ الْمِصْبَاحُ فِي زُجَاجَةٍ ۖ الزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا كَوْكَبٌ دُرِّيٌّ يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٍ مُّبَارَكَةٍ زَيْتُونَةٍ لَّا شَرْقِيَّةٍ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍ..."
(القرآن، سورہ النور 24:35)
"Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth... (this light is) lit from a blessed tree – an olive tree – neither of the east nor of the west..."

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also emphasized the importance of olive oil:
"کُلُوا الزَّيْتَ وَادَّهِنُوا بِهِ، فَإِنَّهُ مِنْ شَجَرَةٍ مُبَارَكَةٍ" (ترمذی: 1852)
"Eat olive oil and apply it, for it comes from a blessed tree."

The Health Benefits of Olive Oil
1. Heart Health & Cholesterol Control
Olive oil is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats that help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing good cholesterol (HDL). Regular consumption supports heart health and lowers the risk of heart disease.

2. Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Powerhouse
It contains powerful antioxidants like polyphenols and Vitamin E, which fight inflammation, slow aging, and protect the body from chronic diseases.

3. Brain & Memory Booster
Olive oil supports brain function and memory. Studies suggest that regular consumption can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline.

4. A Natural Weight Loss Aid
Despite being a fat, olive oil helps in weight management by improving metabolism and keeping you full for longer. It aids in reducing belly fat when consumed in moderation.

5. Improves Digestion & Gut Health
Olive oil enhances digestion, relieves constipation, and promotes a healthy gut microbiome. It also helps in reducing acidity and ulcers.

6. Strengthens the Immune System
With its rich antioxidant content, olive oil strengthens immunity and helps the body fight infections and diseases.

7. Glowing Skin & Strong Hair
Applying olive oil hydrates the skin, making it soft and youthful. It also strengthens hair, reduces dandruff, and promotes healthy growth. The Prophet ﷺ encouraged its use for hair care as well.

How to Use Olive Oil for Maximum Benefits?
As Food: Use it in cooking, salads, or as a dip for bread.
For Hair & Skin: Apply directly for nourishment and hydration.
For Health: Drink a teaspoon daily for digestive and immune health.

Experience the Blessings of Olive Oil!
✔ 100% Pure & Cold-Pressed
✔ Rich in Antioxidants & Healthy Fats
✔ Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ
✔ A Staple of Mediterranean & Islamic Wellness

Incorporate this Sunnah in your life and reap its divine and health benefits!